Moeders: Amsterdam's Traditional Dutch Restaurant

One surprising things about Amsterdam is that it's hard to find super traditional Dutch food. So I was excited when someone I met mentioned Moeders - a traditional Dutch restaurant.
Oh, and if you bring a picture of your mother, they will put it up! The whole restaurant is filled with pictures of mothers!
Usually the restaurant is booked solid, but luckily I was able to get the last available spot on Thanksgiving!
Here are the rules in case you want to bring a picture (or your actual) mother there:
My traditional Dutch dinner included:
A Dutch split pea soup:
A beef with onions stew with a side of red cabbage:
This cabbage was probably the most exciting for me because it was so unexpected. It's cabbage with apples! And it tasted surprising, light, and delicious. Here is a cool recipe for the red cabbage that I found.
Dutch Delight Desert! Including a mini-curd, poffertjes, and "speculaas" spiced-biscuit :
My favorite were the mini pancakes (aka poffertjes) of course :)