Mini Adventures

With my new job, new lifestyle, and new personal projects, I'm going to be extremely busy until after March. That means I don't have much time to see too much of the places I visit.
Last week, I was in Seattle and no, I did not go to the Space Needle (although it looks incredible and very tempting). This is the closest I got to it... driving by...
But I did go on several mini adventures, and really loved every one of them! For example, I worked out of 3 different co-working spaces during the week. Each one was in a different location, had a different vibe, and was in a different neighborhood. Getting to each one was an adventure to me filled with new scenery.
One of my favorites was this moving statue in front of the Seattle Art Museum:
I just stood there and stared at the moving arm for a while, mesmerized.
I'm also a big believer in taking a full lunch. So every day, I would try out a new restaurant nearby for lunch.
On Wednesday, while at Makers Space, I went to an Italian place I found on Yelp. It has a secret-looking Pink Door as an entrance!
To get there, I had to walk through the Public Market Center in Seattle.
It looked INCREDIBLE!!! I wanted to eat everything.
On the way back, I had to stop at Piroshky Piroshky - the Russian in me couldn't resist!
And the smell from a French Bakery led me to macaroons...
Afterwards, I passed by the very first Starbucks and got a drink there!
On Thursday, I stopped by to give a professional talk to a company that was located nearby. They took me up to the rooftop of their office, and I got to see the sunset!
All of these were super exciting mini adventures. I didn't have to plan them or stress about the timing or anything. I just went stumbled into them by getting out of the house and office. This is a big contrast to the way I usually travel - with a plan of what I want to visit and when!
The point is that since I'm working a lot, it doesn't mean I will be completely cut off and not having any fun. Being in a different location means that doing something super mundane, like walking to a coworking space or getting lunch, could turn into an awe-striking experience.
Next mini adventures stop: Amsterdam!