Book Review: Love with a Chance of Drowning

I’ve been reading health and spiritual books lately and I needed a switch, so I downloaded a sample of Love with a Chance of Drowning. I immediately purchased the book and couldn’t put it down! This was definitely the most inspiring book I’ve read in a long time. Maybe it was the timing… my need for that type of inspiration…
I’m already a nomad, but I’m definitely a more comfortable nomad than many out there. I live in my own AirBNBs, go to nice restaurants, and visit mostly comfortable countries. So reading about Torre’s true story of sailing through the Pacific with a new lover, without her own sailing experience and extreme fear of the ocean, was completely the kick I needed to take my own travels to the next level.
I’m not sure what that level is yet… but I’m inspired to start stepping more outside my travel comfort zone.