I don't want to be a Superwoman

Last week, I watched a woman give a presentation while biking on a stationary bike at Apple’s signature Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) - you can watch the video for yourself here starting at 1:16:50. Not only was she an executive at a prestigious company like Apple, she was also a mom to two small children, and she was clearly great at working out (I couldn’t do the biking she was doing without being on stage and giving a presentation in front of millions of people watching!). A real modern superwoman.
I couldn’t stop watching in awe. This woman was everything women are told we could be, we should be. We can have it all - a career, a family, a great body. And here she was - a real life superwoman herself.
But although I was completely impressed with this woman, part of me was very intimidated. There is no way that I could do all the things she is doing. I can’t have it all. In fact, I already chose not to have it all.
I wrote about it a bit previously - about how choosing not to have children (or a husband or a house) ended up freeing me up to do the other things I wanted. Building my own business and traveling the world.
Before I made that choice not to have children, it was always a stress in the back of my mind. I knew I needed to do it all, but I had no idea how it would be possible. I know I would have figured it out, but honestly, giving a presentation on stage while working out and taking care of my children, is just not the life I want to live. I salute all the women who do - they are working harder than I can ever imagine, but having it all is just not for me. I would personally be miserable in that life.
Instead, I’ve built my life around not having it all and I couldn’t be happier. Running my own business and not having an address means I can have the lifestyle I want.
In fact, the more I travel, the less ambitious I become. I just need enough to upkeep my lifestyle (including lots of stress-free time), which is not much for a single person. I can choose not to grow my business because I’m happy with the way it is. I can be sipping coconuts on a tropical island and watching hermit crabs all day instead (something I was actually doing three weeks ago). And I’m ok with that instead of figuring out how to juggle kids, husband, career, and a work-out every single day.
I’m not a superwoman and I don’t want to be one.
Anyway, that’s what I want to say to all the women out there. It’s great if you do have it all - you are a true inspiration to all of us! But it’s also ok if you are not a superwoman and do not want to be one.